Finding in which class an object's method comes from
nomail at
Thu Feb 4 03:54:02 EST 2016
"Chris Angelico" <rosuav at> a écrit dans le message de
news:mailman.43.1454574987.30993.python-list at
> You can see that by looking at the objects without calling them:
>>>> class A:
> ... def a(self): pass
> ...
>>>> class B(A):
> ... def b(self): pass
> ...
>>>> class C(B):
> ... def c(self): pass
> ...
>>>> obj = C()
>>>> obj.a
> <bound method A.a of <__main__.C object at 0x7fb7bdfa57f0>>
>>>> obj.b
> <bound method B.b of <__main__.C object at 0x7fb7bdfa57f0>>
>>>> obj.c
> <bound method C.c of <__main__.C object at 0x7fb7bdfa57f0>>
> The information comes from the function's qualname:
>>>> obj.c.__func__.__qualname__
> 'C.c'
> Is that what you're hoping for?
It is strange but I dont have the same result that you:
(Python 3.4)
>>> class A:
def a(self):pass
>>> class B(A):
def b(self):pass
>>> class C(B):
def c(self):pass
>>> obj = C()
>>> obj.a
<bound method C.a of <__main__.C object at 0x02963F90>>
But with __qualname__ it works
>>> obj.a.__func__.__qualname__
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