Searching Sets (Lottery Results)
tdsimpson at
Mon Feb 8 16:45:24 EST 2016
This is a continuation of my pursuit to learn Python. I have been tinkering with this for a number of years and I am back at it again. I am stuck and need some guidance.
This is related to other posts that I have made in the past.
For example: Searching for Lottery drawing list of ticket match:!topic/comp.lang.python/sHLPrfmY3q4
I have a text file with the results of lottery drawing like so:
Draw Date WB1 WB2 WB3 WB4 WB5 PB PP
01/02/2016 42 15 06 05 29 10 2
12/30/2015 12 61 54 38 36 22 3
12/26/2015 65 40 44 59 27 20 2
12/23/2015 67 16 63 38 55 25 4
12/19/2015 30 68 59 41 28 10 2
12/16/2015 09 42 10 55 32 06 2
12/12/2015 62 02 30 19 14 22 2
12/09/2015 16 46 10 56 07 01 2
12/05/2015 47 33 68 27 13 13 2
12/02/2015 14 18 19 64 32 09 2
11/28/2015 47 02 66 67 06 02 3
11/25/2015 53 16 69 58 29 21 2
11/21/2015 37 57 47 50 52 21 3
11/18/2015 40 17 46 69 41 06 2
11/14/2015 66 37 22 14 45 05 3
11/11/2015 26 04 32 55 64 18 3
11/07/2015 50 53 07 16 25 15 2
11/04/2015 12 02 17 20 65 17 4
10/31/2015 09 47 20 25 68 07 2
10/28/2015 56 62 54 63 04 10 2
10/24/2015 20 31 56 64 60 02 3
10/21/2015 57 32 30 42 56 11 4
I load the lottery drawings into memory for searching with the following code although, it is incomplete. I am stuck and need some guidance.
The set datatype seems to be the best for searching, but how best can I implement it?
And I want the results to highlight the numbers that were matched. For example, if the white balls in the drawing are:
"42 15 06 05 29"
AND the numbers on the lottery ticket are:
"06 15 32 42 56"
THEN the display might look like:
"06* 15* 32 42* 56"
WHERE * signifies a match.
from datetime import datetime
class Powerball(object):
"""Summary of class here.
Longer class information. . .Longer
fileName: File name to load drawing from.
# class Constants
_DATE_FORMAT = '%m/%d/%Y'
# class variables
fileName = 'pb.txt'
# class initialization
def __init__(self, pFileName):
"""Return a Powerball Object with a set of winning drawings.
:param pFileName:
self.fileName = pFileName
# Open file and load drawing data sets.
def readFileData(self):
"""File to open and load data from. """
f = open(self.fileName, 'r')
# read the whole file into a list of lines.
lines = f.readlines()
# For each line in the list of lines. . .
for line in lines[1:50]:
# split the string on whitespace into a list of strings
fields = line.split()
d = datetime.strptime(fields[0], self._DATE_FORMAT).date()
# Use list comprehension to create a frozenset.
wb = frozenset(int(num_str) for num_str in fields[1:6])
pb = int(fields[6])
t = tuple([wb, pb, d])
# Store t into a data structure for searching later. . .
# Not sure of best way to do this. . .
p = Powerball("pb.txt")
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