What arguments are passed to the __new__ method ?
Steven D'Aprano
steve at pearwood.info
Wed Mar 2 06:02:37 EST 2016
On Wed, 2 Mar 2016 08:23 pm, ast wrote:
> An other question:
> What is the very first method launched when an instantiation is done ?
> e.g obj = MyClass(0, 5, 'xyz')
> is it __call__ (from object or MyClass if overriden) ?
No, not object or MyClass. The *metaclass* __call__ is called.
For most objects, the metaclass is `type`.
The metaclass is the type of the class: classes are objects too, which means
that like all objects, they have a class. That is the metaclass.
*** WARNING ***
Metaclasses are a very advanced technique. You are not expected to
understand this.
> then _call__ launches __new__ and then __init__
> This would be coherent with the language
> or is it __new__ then __init__ as said on courses I read ?
Let us create a metaclass that inherits from `type`:
class Meta(type):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, namespace):
print "**Creating new Meta instance"
print "Metaclass:", meta
print "New class name:", name
print "Base classes used:", bases
print "Namespace used as class dict:", namespace
return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, namespace)
def __init__(cls, *args):
print "**Initialising Meta instance %s" % cls
def __call__(cls):
print "**Calling Meta instance %s" % cls
return super(Meta, cls).__call__()
Now let me use that metaclass to create a new class:
class MyClass(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta
def __new__(cls):
print "^^Creating new instance of %s" % cls
return super(MyClass, cls).__new__(cls)
def __init__(self):
print "^^Initialising MyClass instance %s" % self
def __call__(self):
print "^^Calling MyClass instance %s" % self
return "Hello World!"
which prints:
**Creating new Meta instance
Metaclass: <class '__main__.Meta'>
New class name: MyClass
Base classes used: (<type 'object'>,)
Namespace used as class dict: {'__call__': <function __call__ at
0xb7cfdf7c>, '__module__': '__main__', '__metaclass__':
<class '__main__.Meta'>, '__new__': <function __new__ at
0xb7cfdf0c>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0xb7cfdf44>}
**Initialising Meta instance <class '__main__.MyClass'>
Now let me create a new MyClass instance:
instance = MyClass()
which prints:
**Calling Meta instance <class '__main__.MyClass'>
^^Creating new instance of <class '__main__.MyClass'>
^^Initialising MyClass instance <__main__.MyClass object at 0xb7cf2bec>
Finally, let me call the instance:
print instance()
which prints:
^^Calling MyClass instance <__main__.MyClass object at 0xb7cf2bec>
Hello World!
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