retrieve key of only element in a dictionary (Python 3)

Tim Chase python.list at
Fri Mar 18 19:03:40 EDT 2016

On 2016-03-18 17:33, Fillmore wrote:
> >>> d = dict()
> >>> d['squib'] = "007"
> >>> key = d.items()[0]

I posted a similar question about 1-element-sets[1] a while back and
Peter Otten & Rene Pijlman both suggested

  >>> s = set(["hello"])
  >>> element, = s

which, in your case would translate to

  >>> d = {"squib": "007"}
  >>> key, = d
  >>> key

I'd put a comment on the line to make it clear what's going on since
that comma is easy to miss, but based on Alex Martelli's testing[2],
it was the fastest of the proposed solutions.




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