data interpolation

Heli hemla21 at
Thu Nov 3 06:08:23 EDT 2016


I have a question about data interpolation using python. I have a big ascii file containg data in the following format and around 200M points. 

id, xcoordinate, ycoordinate, zcoordinate

then I have a second file containing data in the following format, ( 2M values) 

id, xcoordinate, ycoordinate, zcoordinate, value1, value2, value3,..., valueN

I would need to get values for x,y,z coordinates of file 1 from values of file2.  

I donĀ“t know whether my data in file1 and 2 is from structured or unstructured grid source. I was wondering which interpolation module either from scipy or scikit-learn you recommend me to use?

I would also appreciate if you could recommend me some sample example/reference. 

Thanks in Advance for your help, 

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