*args and **kwargs

alister alister.ware at ntlworld.com
Fri Sep 2 10:52:13 EDT 2016

On Fri, 02 Sep 2016 23:44:50 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

> Smith <smith at smith.com> writes:
>> I'm trying to understand the concept of * args and ** kwarg with
>> python3
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>> But I can not understand why I returns the error message "SyntaxError:
>> positional argument follows the keyword argument" when I insert values.
> It's fairly simple (though it may not be obvious!):
>> In [23]: start(data="Fish",2,3,tox="tux")
>>   File "<ipython-input-23-eb9c3abb9941>", line 1
>>     start(data="Fish",2,3,tox="tux")
>>                      ^
>> SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
> Exactly.
> Note that this has nothing to do with how the function is defined; in
> the definition of the function, parameters are neither positional nor
> keyword. You name each of them, and you define an order for them; and
> neither of those makes any of them “positional” or “keyword”.
> Rather, “positional argument and “keyword argument” are characteristics
> of the arguments you *supply* in a particular call to the function.
> You have specified four arguments, in this order:
>   * A keyword argument, ‘data="Fish"’.
>   * A positional argument, ‘2’.
>   * A positional argument, ‘3’.
>   * A keyword argument, ‘tox="tux"’.
> After specifying a keyword argument, you may not then specify any
> positional arguments. Hence the SyntaxError.

& the solution is to change the order of the definition

def start( must_have,*args,**kwargs,data=none):

Pretend to spank me -- I'm a pseudo-masochist!

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