Data Types
Cai Gengyang
gengyangcai at
Wed Sep 21 00:03:40 EDT 2016
On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 11:22:42 AM UTC+8, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Sep 2016 01:00 pm, Cai Gengyang wrote:
> > So I am going through chapter 7.1 (Data Types) of
> >… What do these terms (input and
> > output) mean --- Can someone explain in plain English and layman's terms ?
> Does that answer your question about "input and output"?
> > Thanks a lot ...
> >
> >>>> type(3)
> > <class 'int'>
> >>>> type(3.145)
> > <class 'float'>
> >>>> type("Hi there")
> > <class 'str'>
> >>>> type(True)
> > <class 'bool'>
> I don't understand why you are showing this. What part don't you understand?
> The number 3 is an int (short for integer); that is the type of value it is.
> 5 is also an int, and 0, and 9253, and -73. They are all integers.
> 3.145 is a float (short for "floating point number"). "Hi there" is a str
> (short for string). True is a bool (short for Boolean value, which is a
> technical term for special True/False values).
> Perhaps if you can ask a more clear question, I can give a more clear
> answer.
> --
> Steve
> “Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
> enough, things got worse.
So for example for "bool" , it only applies to True/False and nothing else? (2 data types), i.e. :
>>> type(True)
<class 'bool'>
>>> type(False)
<class 'bool'>
Are there any other data types that will give you type(A) or type(B) = <class 'bool'> besides True and False?
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