What is the difference between x[:]=y and x=y[:]?
jfong at ms4.hinet.net
jfong at ms4.hinet.net
Wed Apr 12 06:51:42 EDT 2017
Peter Otten at 2017/4/12 UTC+8 PM 4:41:36 wrote:
> jfong at ms4.hinet.net wrote:
> Assuming both x and y are lists
> x[:] = y
> replaces the items in x with the items in y while
> x = y[:]
> makes a copy of y and binds that to the name x. In both cases x and y remain
> different lists, but in only in the second case x is rebound. This becomes
> relevant when initially there are other names bound to x. Compare:
> >>> z = x = [1, 2]
> >>> y = [10, 20, 30]
> >>> x[:] = y # replace the values, z affected
> >>> z
> [10, 20, 30]
> >>> z = x = [1, 2]
> >>> y = [10, 20, 30]
> >>> x = y[:] # rebind. x and z are now different lists
> >>> z
> [1, 2]
Thank you Peter, I think I know the problem now. The append(lx) method actually append a link to the name lx, not append a copy of lx. When use lx[:]=lr[i]. the lx's content changes and it also reflected to the lr. When use lx=lr[i][:], a new lx was created and it will not affect the old one linked in the lr.
Anyway it seems as better to use append(lx[:]) for this sake:-)
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