Turtle window not closing
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Sat Apr 22 03:52:56 EDT 2017
Harshika Varadhan via Python-list wrote:
> I am creating a game where the user inputs a coordinate to place their
> piece on a chess board. My code then draws the chess board with a turtle
> and fills in the squares in with green where the user can place their next
> piece. After the user inputs their first coordinate, the turtle draws the
> board, but then the window doesn't close and the program ends up crashing.
It probably raises an exception and prints a traceback. That "traceback"
contains the location and a description of the error Python encountered in
your script and is therefore valuable information that can help you fix your
code. If you get a traceback always include it into your mail (use cut-and-
> Is there any way to solve this problem?I appreciate your help. My function
> for drawing the chess board: def draw_board(): t = turtle.Turtle()
> t.speed(0) t.ht() t.up() t.goto(-100, -100) t.down() for i in
> range(0, 8): for j in range(0, 8): if free_squares[i][j]
> == ".": if j != 7: t.fillcolor("green")
> t.pencolor("black") t.begin_fill()
> for k in range(4): t.forward(50)
> t.left(90) t.end_fill()
> t.forward(50) if j == 7:
> t.fillcolor("green") t.pencolor("black")
> t.begin_fill() for k in range(4):
> t.forward(50) t.left(90)
> t.end_fill() t.right(270)
> t.forward(50) t.left(90)
> t.forward(350) t.right(180) turtle.bye() Thank you,
> Harshi
That's pretty unreadable. Please remember to post plain text with line-
wrapping turned off next time.
> the program ends up crashing.
If I were to guess: Did you define the `free_squares` list of lists
> but then the window doesn't close
Are you running your script from within IDLE? Try starting it from the
command line instead.
Like turtle IDLE itself is a program written in tkinter, and the separation
between editer and user code is not always perfect.
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