April 2017 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Apr 1 00:38:05 EDT 2017
Ending: Sun Apr 30 23:47:35 EDT 2017
Messages: 1126
- Text-mode apps (Was :Who are the "spacists"?)
Rick Johnson
- Thread within for loop
Iranna Mathapati
- Developing a Python JIT and have trouble
- Better way to do this dict comprehesion
Robert L.
- Read JSON file correctly
Umar Yusuf
- Tcp Socket Receive
specx at mynet.com
- django add images to models.py from views.py
Xristos Xristoou
- Spam user
Mario R. Osorio
- How to flatten only one sub list of list of lists
Robert L.
- sorting list python
Robert L.
- python installs on OSX missing dbm.gnu
Cameron Simpson
- VirtualEnvs (venv) and Powershell
Cameron Simpson
- Temporary variables in list comprehensions
Robert L.
- net-snmp-python
- Basic Nested Dictionary in a Loop
Ganesh Pal
- In Python and Windows environment how to supress certain key press and send some other key event for it
Krishnan Shankar
- Cheetah 3.0.0a1
Oleg Broytman
- Two variable dictionary comprehension
Deborah Swanson
- Traversal help
R. Bryan Smith
- Behavior of auto in Enum and Flag.
Oren Ben-Kiki
- Best practices interfacing to device with Python's asyncio and pyserial-asyncio
Malte Forkel
- ANN: Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 05.04.2017
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- SocketServer and Ctrl-C on Windows
Paul Moore
- "pandas" pronunciation
Jay Braun
- Obtain Ceritificate Information from Invalid or Self-Signed Certificate in Python
Kenneth Buckler
- EuroPython 2017: Launching early-bird sales tomorrow
M.-A. Lemburg
- Improve Python + Influxdb import performance
- Request Help With pkexec
- Which directory should requests and openpyxl modules be installed to?
- Appending data to a json file
- Version 2 of my natural language steganographical scheme released
Mok-Kong Shen
- EuroPython 2017: Early-bird Tickets now on sale!
M.-A. Lemburg
- Data transmission from Python script to bash script
venkatachalam.19 at gmail.com
- Data exchange between python script and bash script
venkatachalam.19 at gmail.com
- Optimize this code further
Ganesh Pal
- ANN: Wing Python IDE version 6.0.4 released
- [ANNOUNCE] Mail Drake version 0.1.7
Ben Finney
- Does automatic golden master unittest generation exist/or is it feasible?
fleshw at gmail.com
- using HTTPHandler cause Django server side shows http 400 and Invalid HTTP_HOST header message
Steven D'Aprano
- How to make use of .egg files?
David Shi
- Quick questions about globals and database connections
- How to capture a CSV file and read it into a Pandas Dataframe?
David Shi
- Python 3.6 printing crashing on OS X 10.12.4
Ray Cote
- Problem installing 3.6.1 AMD64
Colin J. Williams
- Using TKinter to show popular tweets from twitter API (Tweepy)
unihno at gmail.com
- fresh install setup error
aldersilva676 at gmail.com
- Correction of announcement of Version 2 of a steganographical software of mine
Mok-Kong Shen
- No subject
David Shi
- A Python solution for turning a web page into Pandas DataFrame table
David Shi
- ANN: pyftpdlib 1.5.2 released
Jack Jansen
- django float round tripping
Robin Becker
- Issues downloading python.
Brandon Mace
- EuroPython 2017: Tickets are now available
Alexander Hendorf
- Elastic Search
Keith Anthony
- Find out which module a class came from
- read in a list in a file to list
john polo
- Python and the need for speed
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- Need help with getting Key, Value out of dicts in lists
Kenton Brede
- auth select chooses in forms.py
Xristos Xristoou
- Swiss Ephemeris
Peter Henry
- Pound sign problem
David Shi
- [ANN] txAWS 0.3.0
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Pillow ImportError: No module named Image
jorge.conrado at cptec.inpe.br
- Installing Python 3.6.1 on a Windows 10
Colin J. Williams
- [ANN] txkube 0.1.0
Jean-Paul Calderone
- how to convert this container back to format build result?
Ho Yeung Lee
- Mcidas format
jorge.conrado at cptec.inpe.br
- strange behaviour when writing a large amount of data on stdout
tlnarayana at gmail.com
- ldap search and Tuple
Alejandro Decchi
- IOError: [Errno 12] Not enough space
- django user images
Xristos Xristoou
- Need webFOCUS Business Intelligence Developer
Jack at nichesoftsolutions.com
- Inclusion of of python and python libraries licensed with BSD- 3 clause license in proprietary software
Abhishek Kumar
- Python-list Digest, Vol 163, Issue 14
Colin J. Williams
- download redtube video - Free
grownbetterwe at gmail.com
- CPython Class variable exposed to Python is altered.
Vincent Vande Vyvre
- What is the difference between x[:]=y and x=y[:]?
jfong at ms4.hinet.net
- PyDev 5.7.0 Released
Fabio Zadrozny
- closing image automatically in for loop , python
Masoud Afshari
- external process not terminating
Larry Martell
- XML tree to a pandas dataframe
David Shi
- How to pd.read_csv into a DataFrame with multiple seperators?
David Shi
Jack at nichesoftsolutions.com
- Namedtuples: some unexpected inconveniences
Deborah Swanson
- Passing parameters thru decorators
andrew.holway at otternetworks.de
- Merging multiple sorted sequences.
- "Goto" statement in Python
Mikhail V
- Python Command Line Arguments
ian.stegner at gmail.com
- homework confusion
Lauren Fugate
- Visit All URLs with selenium python
- Calling dunder methods manually
Steven D'Aprano
- Read a text file into a Pandas DataFrame Table
David Shi
- Reading structured text file (non-CSV) into Pandas Dataframe
David Shi
- Check multiple file parms in single os.access?
James McMahon
- Pylint 1.7.0 was released
Claudiu Popa
- Hi! i need some help with a program in python on Raspberry pi3.
- Regular Expressions, Speed, Python, and NFA
Malik Rumi
- Regular Expressions, Speed, Python, and NFA
Steve D'Aprano
- Regular Expressions, Speed, Python, and NFA
Joseph L. Casale
- Regular Expressions, Speed, Python, and NFA
Peter Otten
- Regular Expressions, Speed, Python, and NFA
Rob Gaddi
- Regular Expressions, Speed, Python, and NFA
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- Python3 C extension how to support dir()
Barry Scott
- 'module' object has no attribute 'wrap_socket' when use ssl
Ho Yeung Lee
- TIC TAE TOE's problem(i am beginner)
tflchkl at gmail.com
- Python Environment Setup in Windows 10
Sayom Shakib
- what type of application implemented with python?
kondaiah sinha
- New implementation(patterns)
Debiller 777
- how to get image url from django form
Xristos Xristoou
- Python 3.5+ Arrow keys and others in the console
Vincent Vande Vyvre
- Announcing SCM Workbench 0.8.6 for Git, Mercurial and Subversion
Barry Scott
- write arrays to disk
jorge.conrado at cptec.inpe.br
- Installing a newly-built python on windows
joao.moreira.sa.coutinho at gmail.com
- take select request from django from
Xristos Xristoou
- Bigotry and hate speech on the python mailing list
- python folder tree for windows 10
Eb Guenther
- Python's help() function is awesome
Steve D'Aprano
- creating vector from df.intertuples
Richard Medina
- [ANN] kubetop
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Buffers and pointers (Py3.4)
Rob Gaddi
- GPUs with various tools
Jeffrey Layton
- Unable to use Python IDLE after downloading the application
- How to do pd.read_csv with consecutive spaces or semi-colon as delimiters?
David Shi
- Pressing dot and show sub command in IPython
David Shi
- PYhton Mercator projection
jorge.conrado at cptec.inpe.br
- Import name conflicts
Tim Johnson
- Decode email subjects into unicode
akomack100 at gmail.com
- Test if Script Already Running
- Version 2.1 of my natural language text steganography scheme
Mok-Kong Shen
- EuroPython 2017: Discounted flights available
M.-A. Lemburg
- match.groupdict() into a single dict
Ganesh Pal
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Ben Finney
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Ethan Furman
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Deborah Swanson
- The belief that learning is more difficult for older people (was: Bigotry (you win, I give up))
Ben Finney
- The belief that learning is more difficult for older people (was: Bigotry (you win, I give up))
Rustom Mody
- The belief that learning is more difficult for older people (was: Bigotry (you win, I give up))
Deborah Swanson
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Nathan Ernst
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Rustom Mody
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Deborah Swanson
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Antoon Pardon
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Ethan Furman
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Ethan Furman
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Rustom Mody
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Antoon Pardon
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Rustom Mody
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Rhodri James
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
m.n.summerfield at googlemail.com
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Ben Finney
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Marko Rauhamaa
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Jan Coombs
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Tim Golden
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Gregory Ewing
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
- Bigotry (you win, I give up)
Mike Reveile
- How to obtain an up-to-date document of tkinter
Mok-Kong Shen
- Unusual reactions (Was: .Re: Using Loops to track user input)
Jan van den Broek
- Rawest raw string literals
Mikhail V
- [Python-ideas] Callable Enum values
Ethan Furman
- Metaclass conundrum - binding value from an outer scope
Skip Montanaro
- .Re: scanf string in python
Robert L.
- Basics of pythons 🐍
harounelyaakoubi at gmail.com
- Direct Download Movies - No Download Limits - Download DivX DVD Movies
pradawalker at anderson5.net
- OrderedDict with kwds
Albert-Jan Roskam
- Write a function sorting(L).
Mohammed Ahmed
- Write a function group(L).
Mohammed Ahmed
- textwrap.fill algorithm? (Difference with vim)
Matěj Cepl
- combine if filter terms from list
Rory Schramm
- Turtle window not closing
Harshika Varadhan
- Microsoft now ships Python with SQL Server
Steve D'Aprano
- How to get Buttons to work
horgan.anton5 at gmail.com
- Gephi development references
tommy yama
- String escaping utility for Python (was: Rawest raw string literals)
Mikhail V
- any suggestion on this code
Ganesh Pal
- How to port a python package to a embedded system
- EuroPython 2017: How you can sponsor us
M.-A. Lemburg
- Rosetta: Range extraction
- ANN: PyDDF Python Spring Sprint 2017
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- plot graph from data
Prasenjit Dutta
- Inheritance in Python
id23092 at gmail.com
- Trying to run a program within a python script on multiple output files creating by the same script
ubatool at ufl.edu
- Battle of the garbage collectors, or ARGGHHHHHH!!!!
- Quote of the week
Steve D'Aprano
- python won't uninstall
Shimon Mor
- I encounter a problem during installations!!!
- Array column separations for beginners
katarin.bern at gmail.com
- One more problem that.....................
- Thread getting stuck\hang
Iranna Mathapati
- ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32')
Siva Kumar S
- Unable to subclass ctypes.c_uint64: was: Re: Battle of the garbage collectors, or ARGGHHHHHH!!!!
- "Edit with IDLE" doesn't work any more ?
Yip, Kin
- py-backwards - Python to python compiler that allows you to use Python 3.6 features in older versions.
breamoreboy at gmail.com
- portable python
allen wade
- Convert text file data into RDF format through the Python
- tempname.mktemp functionality deprecation
Tim Chase
- Inconsistency between dict() and collections.OrderedDict() methods.
- Not understanding itertools.dropwhile()
Jason Friedman
- Rosetta: Count in factors
- test_imaplib fail when installing python3.6.1 on centos6.9
Wade Wang
- MCOW package
Last message date:
Sun Apr 30 23:47:35 EDT 2017
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 06:28:44 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).