request fails on wikipedia (https) - certificate verify failed (Posting On Python-List Prohibited)

Chris Angelico rosuav at
Wed Dec 13 07:31:19 EST 2017

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 11:26 PM, Antoon Pardon <antoon.pardon at> wrote:
> Op 13-12-17 om 13:01 schreef Chris Angelico:
>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:38 PM, Jon Ribbens <jon+usenet at> wrote:
>>> On 2017-12-13, Lawrence D’Oliveiro <lawrencedo99 at> wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 10:17:15 AM UTC+13, Jon Ribbens wrote:
>>>>> Try `pip install certifi`
>>>> It really is preferable to install standard distro packages where available, rather than resort to pip:
>>>>     sudo apt-get install python3-certifi
>>> No, it really really isn't.
>> This isn't a connected series of statements intended to establish a
>> proposition. This is just contradiction. Not very useful here. Care to
>> elaborate as to why apt-get is such a bad thing?
>> Generally, if you're using a system-provided Python (either Py2 or
>> Py3) and not using a virtual environment, it's easier and safer to use
>> your system-provided package manager to install additional components.
>> If you want to argue otherwise, argue it, don't just assert it.
> Why do you ask this of Jon Ribbens? As far as I can see, Laurence D'Oliveiro,
> just stated something as fact, without argument. Why do you give him a pass
> but expect Jon Ribbens to argue his position?

Because Lawrence's post didn't come through to me, probably because
he's put something in the headers to say that he doesn't want to talk
to people on the mailing list, so I'm not going to (not really able
to) do him the courtesy of replying.


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