Python application launcher (for Python code)

Deborah Swanson python at
Sat Feb 25 16:19:37 EST 2017

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Python-list 
> [ at python.o
> rg] On Behalf Of Dennis Lee Bieber
> Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2017 12:58 PM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: Re: Python application launcher (for Python code)
> On Sat, 25 Feb 2017 10:03:45 -0800, "Deborah Swanson" 
> <python at> declaimed the following:
> >Didn't think of that one either, but it's easy to export the 
> involved 
> >keys right after installing and restore them before each use.
> >
> 	If you can find them -- might be something hidden under 
> one of those cryptic-looking GUID format.

Oh, I'm an old hand at finding Microsoft GUIDs. As a tester at
Microsoft, when a nightly build's uninstall failed (which was often
because the setup team was so crappy), we had to find and delete every
blasted registry key and installed file for the application. I had 50+
servers in my lab, so I identified all the keys and files on one server
and sent the delete operations out over the network to the others. This
method was laborious, but a fraction of the work needed to wipe and
fresh install 50+ servers.

> 	Might have to export the entire registry first, 
> install, export entire registry, and run a differences of the two <G>
> >I like the idea of pulling the wire (cutting internet access) when I 
> >use it. Then nobody (including the app) is getting in or out to look
> >or do anything while the app is running. I won't use it much 
> or often.
> -- 
> 	Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
>     wlfraed at    HTTP://


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