Choosing a Python IDE. what is your Pythonish recommendation? I

Dietmar Schwertberger maillist at
Wed Jan 4 04:44:44 EST 2017

On 04.01.2017 15:41, William Ray Wing wrote:
> I use Wing, and I think you will like it.  It *is* pythonic, and for what it
is worth, offers remote debugging as one of its more recently added features. 
Obviously, you had no other choice than using Wing ;-)

The remote debugging has been around for some years. I have been using it quite 
often to debug on my Raspberry Pi, Nokia N900 and Jolla Phone, all running some 
Linux system. It works well. It is or was a bit complicated to set up. I think 
this has been improved with Wing 6, but I did not need it in the last weeks, so 
I don't know.



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