Finding the name of an object's source file

Friedrich Rentsch anthra.norell at
Tue Jun 6 05:52:54 EDT 2017

Hi all,

Developing a project, I have portions that work and should be assembled 
into a final program. Some parts don't interconnect when they should, 
because of my lack of rigor in managing versions. So in order to get on, 
I should next tidy up the mess and the way I can think of to do it is to 
read out the source file names of all of a working component's elements, 
then delete unused files and consolidate redundancy.

So, the task would be to find source file names. inspect.getsource () 
knows which file to take the source from, but as far as I can tell, none 
of its methods reveals that name, if called on a command line (>>> 
inspect.(get source file name) ()). Object.__module__ works. 
Module.__file__ works, but Object.__module__.__file__ doesn't, because 
Object.__module__ is only a string.

After one hour of googling, I believe inspect() is used mainly at 
runtime (introspection?) for tracing purposes. An alternative to 
inspect() has not come up. I guess I could grep inspect.(getsource ()), 
but that doesn't feel right. There's probably a simpler way. Any 


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