Logging from files doesn't work
Andrew Z
formisc at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 11:18:55 EDT 2017
Cameron, Peter,
Thank you. Your comments were spot on. Changing root logger got the logs
spitting into the file. And i now can org these logs into one directory,
instead of the current mess.
Thank you!
On Oct 11, 2017 23:41, "Cameron Simpson" <cs at cskk.id.au> wrote:
> On 11Oct2017 22:27, Andrew Z <formisc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> aha. So the issue is that main.py's __name__ attribute == "__main__" and
>> test.py is "test1.test".
> Yeah. If you invoke a module as "python -m module_name" its __name__ field
> is "__main__". That makes the boilerplate work, but breaks your expectation
> that __name__ is usually module_name.
> if i manually assign names:
>> main.py - >
>> log = logging.getLogger("MAIN")
>> test.py - >
>> log = logging.getLogger("MAIN.test1.test")
>> then logging is working perfectly well.
>> This brings me to the question - what is wrong with me file
>> naming/structure that confuses the logging module? I'm not sure i
>> really want to have each little file in it's own directory too..
> I confess to not using the logging module in the module-named-based
> fashion that seems to be the default recommendation. I usually prefer to
> set up the root logger to log somewhere suitable to the main program
> (typically just stderr by default), and set up special logging for other
> things as needed.
> As what may be a poor example, I've got a mail filing program which
> monitors maildirs for arriving messages to refile. So I've got a class
> associated with each monitored maildir with these methods:
> @property
> def logdir(self):
> ''' The pathname of the directory in which log files are written.
> '''
> varlog = cs.env.LOGDIR(self.environ)
> return os.path.join(varlog, 'mailfiler')
> This essentially computes "$HOME/var/log/mailfiler" as the place where all
> the logfiles are saved. And this:
> def folder_logfile(self, folder_path):
> ''' Return path to log file associated with the named folder.
> TODO: base on relative path from folder root, not just basename.
> '''
> return os.path.join(self.logdir, '%s.log' %
> (os.path.basename(folder_path)))
> which computes "$HOME/var/log/mailfiler/spool.log" as the logfile when
> working on my maildir "$HOME/mail/spool".
> And then off it goes with a FileHandler for that path for the filing
> actions for that maildir.
> So you're not contrained to drop log files all through your source tree
> (ewww!)
> My opinion is that you should decide where your logfiles _should_ live; it
> generally has nothing (or little) to do with the module name. I keep mine,
> generally, in various subdirectories of "$HOME/var/log".
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au> (formerly cs at zip.com.au)
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