Merging pdf files based on a value in a field
accessnewbie at
accessnewbie at
Fri Sep 15 12:06:18 EDT 2017
Suggestions to use pyPDF2 to append files did not pan out. I had to go with the arcpy module. pyPDF2 does NOT merge correctly when trying to output multiple files based on a a similar value or key (essentially the group by concept).
import csv
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import shutil, os, glob
# clear out files from destination directory
files = glob.glob(r'C:\maps\JoinedMaps\*')
for f in files:
# open csv file
f = open("C:\maps\Maps.csv", "r+")
ff = csv.reader(f)
# set variable to establish previous row of csv file (for comaprrison)
pre_line =
# Iterate through csv file
for cur_line in ff:
# new file name and location based on value in column (county name)
newPdfFile = (r'C:\maps\JoinedMaps\County-' + cur_line[0] +'.pdf')
# establish pdf files to be appended
joinFile = pre_line[1]
appendFile = cur_line[1]
# If columns in both rows match
if pre_line[0] == cur_line[0]: # <-- compare first column
# If destnation file already exists, append file referenced in current row
if os.path.exists(newPdfFile):
tempPdfDoc = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentOpen(newPdfFile)
# Otherwise create destination and append files reference in both the previous and current row
tempPdfDoc = arcpy.mapping.PDFDocumentCreate(newPdfFile)
# save and delete temp file
del tempPdfDoc
# if no match, do not merge, just copy
# reset variable
pre_line = cur_line
Final output looked like this:
County-County1 (2 pages - Map1 and Map2)
County-County2 (2 pages - Map1 and Map3)
County-County3 (1 page - Map3)
County-County2 (3 pages - Map2, Map3, and Map4)
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