How to save xarray data to csv

Rhodri James rhodri at
Tue Apr 17 06:59:46 EDT 2018

On 17/04/18 03:25, shalu.ashu50 at wrote:
> My question is how can i save multi-dimentional (3d: time series values, lat, long) data (xarrays) into csv.

What do you want each line of the CSV file to look like?  That's the key 
question.  Once you know that you can arrange your data into a (one 
dimensional) list of that form and then write it out.

Since I have exactly no idea what netCDF4.Dataset() does (and less 
interest in finding out), I can't offer much advice.  The slicing that 
you're doing looks like some weird limiting selection, but there must be 
some way of iterating through entries, surely?

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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