Import issue in python packages
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Fri Aug 10 13:23:22 EDT 2018
Venkatesh Adiga wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am facing issue with python package import.
> In my project, I have many directories with different python classes
> defined within them. I am trying to import those classes in another python
> program, but not able to import them.
> Here are my directories and file structures.
> src/platform/ : Defined OperatingSystem Class
> src/platform/ : Defined IPC class
> src/platform/ Defined MyThread class
> src/platform/ - zero sized file
> src/utils/
> src/utils/
> src/utils/
> src/api/
> src/api/
> src/unittest/ - Defined UnitTest Class
> src/unittest/
> src/
> Now, I am trying to use the above classes in another python program(
> as below:
> *from src.platform.operatingsys import OperatingSystem*
> .....
> --------------
> Execution of throws an error as below
> ImportError: No module named 'src'
> Currently I have a working code which prefixes sys.path with every
> directory defined in the package list before import any classes.
> sys.path.append("src/unittest/")
> import OperatingSystem
> But I do not have the hard-coded path and append to sys.path variable.
> So my question is:
> 1) Is there any better way of having the sys.path variable appended by
> directory listing?
> 2) What changes i need to do so that my import statement looks like
> below:
> *from src.platform.operatingsys import OperatingSystem*
> Please suggest...
Ensure that src is in your PYTHONPATH, preferrably as an absolute path.
Then import the packages and modules without the src prefix, e. g.
import platform.operatingsys
If you insist on src as part of the import the directory's parent needs to
be in the path:
import src.platform.operatingsys
Note that it's better to avoid manipulating sys.path from within your
scripts. If at all possible install your packages or at least add .pth files
or a PYTHONPATH environment variable.
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