Are the critiques in "All the things I hate about Python" valid?

Ned Batchelder ned at
Mon Feb 19 12:11:36 EST 2018

On 2/19/18 10:39 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 19 February 2018 at 15:18, Ned Batchelder <ned at> wrote:
>> On 2/19/18 9:54 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> On Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:28:26 +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
>>>> [1] The most basic question, which people making such claims often can't
>>>> answer, is "Do you mean that values are strongly typed, or that names
>>>> are? Or did you mean that variables are, because if so Python doesn't
>>>> even have variables in the sense that you mean" Programming language
>>>> semantics are complex.
>>> An excellent point.
>>> The distinction between typing *values* and *names* is a good one.
>> I guess I'll have to continue to grit my teeth as people say, "Python
>> doesn't have variables."   Why can't we say, "Python's variables work
>> differently than other languages"?
> Apologies, Ned. I didn't mean to make your teeth sore :-)
> I've found that when people refer to "variables" they pretty much
> inevitably have a picture in their mind of a named box that "contains"
> a value (or pointer to a value). They find it difficult to understand
> that Python doesn't have those boxes but rather names the values
> directly. Sort of. And yes, that 's very much "sort of". It's
> certainly just as viable to say to people that Python's idea of
> variables is different than (say) C's, but in my experience you end up
> qualifying so much that it's easier to use a different term without
> the connotations. Sort of like saying "I like apples - the orange ones
> that are a type of citrus fruit" :-)
> In common usage I'll happily use the terms "variable" and "name"
> somewhat interchangeably, but when things degenerate into detail-level
> picking over specifics, I avoid doing so. I was wrong to casually say
> "Python doesn't have variables", though - if I want to be detailed and
> specific, I should make sure my writing reflects that that's what I'm
> doing.
> I'm curious - How would you explain Python's "variables" to someone
> who knows how C variables work, in a way that ensures they don't carry
> across any unfortunate misconceptions based on how C works? If I had a
> good way of doing that, maybe I wouldn't need to play apple/orange
> games when discussing the subject.

I would (and did) explain it like this:

That talk was pretty much powered by hating the phrase "Python has no 
variables" :)

> Paul

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