Simple graphic library for beginners

breamoreboy at breamoreboy at
Wed Jan 10 09:08:58 EST 2018

On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 12:42:07 PM UTC, Jan Erik Moström wrote:
> I'm looking for a really easy to use graphic library. The target users 
> are teachers who have never programmed before and is taking a first (and 
> possible last) programming course.
> I would like to have the ability to draw lines, circles, etc. Nothing 
> fancy, as little window management as possible (possible buttons), 
> perhaps simple events like button presses or clicks on canvas - think: 
> making simple diagrams or simple figures. Cross-platform
> Yes, I know about tkinter.
> Yes, I know about various block languages like Scratch but they are not 
> relevant in this case.
> Any suggestions?
> = jem

Take a look at, or

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.

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