For specific keys , extract non empty values in a dictionary

Ganesh Pal ganesh1pal at
Sat Jun 16 13:10:36 EDT 2018

*How do I check  few specific/selected  keys in a dictionary and extract
their values if they are not empty*

*Example : Extract the values  for key "one","three","seven"  and "nine” if
they are not empty*

*Input :*

*o_num  = {'one': 1,*

*          'three': 3,*

*          'bar': None,*

*          'five' : 5,*

*          'rum' : None,*

*          'seven' : None,*

*          'brandy': None,*

*          'nine' : 9,*

*          'gin': None}*


*1 3 9*

Here is my solution , Please  review the below code and let me know your
suggestion .


o_num  = {'one': 1,

          'three': 3,

          'bar': None,

          'five' : 5,

          'rum' : None,

          'seven' : None,

          'brandy': None,

          'nine' : 9,

          'gin': None}

args_list = ["one","three","seven","nine"]

args_dict = dict( (k,v) for k, v in o_num.items() if v and k in args_list )

print args_dict


root at X1:/Play_ground/DICT# python

{'nine': 9, 'three': 3, 'one': 1}

Also,  Is unpacking the elements in the o_num  dictionary as shown below
fine  or are there any other alternatives

arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, = map(args_dict.get, ('one', 'three', 'seven',

print arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4

I am a Python 2.7 user and on Linux box



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