please test the new PyPI (now in beta)

William Ray Wing wrw at
Wed Mar 28 12:16:54 EDT 2018

> On Mar 28, 2018, at 10:50 AM, sumana.harihareswara at wrote:


> People who literally don't see the list of ways to filter on the left-hand side of

I do see the list of filters, but I only get it AFTER I’ve entered my first search term.  I may be an outlier here, but I find that an unfortunate bit of UI design.  I suppose it is deliberate in that the filters can then be used to narrow search results, but if I know going in that I’m only interested in a particular set of results, I’d like to be able to apply that filter to my first search.


> : I ask you the usual list of troubleshooting questions. What OS and browser are you using, what plugins and particularly interesting preferences are you using, and so on. (When I turn off JavaScript in my browser, I see a list of clickable category headings like "By Programming Language" but clicking on them causes no response.) A screenshot in an issue at would be helpful. (Reminder that participating in Warehouse development, including by filing an issue, requires abiding by the PyPA Code of Conduct .)
> -Sumana Harihareswara
> -- 

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