Python Developer Survey: Python 3 usage overtakes Python 2 usage

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Fri Mar 30 17:42:31 EDT 2018

Paul Rubin < at nospam.invalid>:
> Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> writes:
>> 2017 25% 2.x, 75% 3.x
>> This is a bigger jump than I anticipated.
> It's interesting and surprising. I still have not encountered anyone
> using Python 3 in real life. The main Linux distros still use Python 2
> by default, afaik. I figured Python 3 adoption would increase if and
> when that changes.

Yes, RHEL, CentOS and OracleLinux still only support Python2. It may be
another year before Python3 becomes available on them.

Also, MacOS comes with Python2.

> I'll have to get on the boat sometime, but so far have mostly avoided
> it.

I use Python3 wherever I can, but most stuff must still stay with


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