[Python-Dev] [RELEASE] Python 2.7.15
Alex Walters
tritium-list at sdamon.com
Tue May 1 05:58:14 EDT 2018
I've gotten some mixed signals on the status of this release, notably from
the BDFL:
"Python 2.7.15 released -- the last 2.7 release!" (and a link to this
I was under the impression that 2.7 was being supported until 2020. If this
is the final release of 2.7, what would "support" constitute? My assumption
was that the final release of 2.7 would be sometime in 2020 (or much closer
to 2020 than 19 months).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Python-Dev <python-dev-bounces+tritium-
> list=sdamon.com at python.org> On Behalf Of Benjamin Peterson
> Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 12:10 AM
> To: python-list at python.org; python-announce at python.org; python-
> dev at python.org
> Subject: [Python-Dev] [RELEASE] Python 2.7.15
> Greetings,
> I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of Python 2.7.15, the
> latest bug fix release in the senescent Python 2.7 series.
> Source and binary downloads may be found on python.org:
> https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2715/
> Bugs should be reported to https://bugs.python.org/
> The source tarball contains a complete changelog in the Misc/NEWS file.
> only change since the release candidate is a fix for undefined C behavior
> newer compilers (including GCC 8) have started to exploit.
> Users of the macOS binaries should note that all python.org macOS
> now ship with a builtin copy of OpenSSL. Additionally, there is a new
> additional installer variant for macOS 10.9+ that includes a built-in
version of
> Tcl/Tk 8.6. See the installer README for more information.
> Happy May,
> Benjamin
> 2.7 release manager
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