How to change '\\' to '\'

Michael Torrie torriem at
Tue Oct 2 11:38:50 EDT 2018

On 10/02/2018 12:48 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:
> Even for two-person, private email discussions I prefer the interleaved 
> replies -- in a week when I have to remind myself what was discussed it 
> is much easier to comprehend.

Absolutely. I've been saved from embarrassment countless times because
while editing the quote so I could respond to it point by point, I
realized I had misread the the original poster.

Top posting usually indicates that the person replying to my email never
really read it, and is just replying to what he thought I said or asked.
 Frustrating to no end.  This problem is endemic in corporate
communication.  Corporate email is completely nonfunctional as a means
of communication, largely because of the top posting culture.  Well
communication is a problem in general in corporations because of the
personalities that tend to gravitate towards the management end of
things. Top posting just makes the communication that much worse!

> Yes.  It is extremely annoying when someone top posts and leaves the 
> entire rest of the discussion still attached at the bottom.

Or when they bottom post without trimming, or even when they interleave
their responses without trimming.

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