python3.7 problem with validation - it doesnt work
python at
Wed Sep 19 13:30:10 EDT 2018
On 2018-09-19 13:12, alon.najman at wrote:
> python3.7 problem with validation - it doesn't work.
In what way doesn't it work? Does your computer explode?
> def printMessage(self):
> global UserSymbol
> global UserStockPrice
> global RadioButtonBellow
> global RadioButtonAbove
> global UserGmail
> global PassGmail
> UserSymbol=self.textEdit.toPlainText()
> UserSymbol=UserSymbol[0:4]
> UserStockPrice=self.textEdit_7.toPlainText()
Here you set UserGmail and PassGmail to the contents of some text edits:
> UserGmail=self.textEdit_5.toPlainText()
> PassGmail=self.textEdit_4.toPlainText()
Judging by the names, I'd guess that they are strings.
> #here is the IF of the validation!
Here your check whether they are 0, which is a number:
> if PassGmail==0 or UserGmail==0 or UserSymbol==0 or UserStockPrice==0 or (RadioButtonAbove==0 and RadioButtonBellow==0):
Strings aren't numbers, and numbers aren't strings. "0" != 0.
> def Mbox(title, text, style):
> return ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, text, title, style)
Here you've indented the line more than the def Mbox, so this line is
inside the function:
> Mbox('you need to enter all data first', 'you need to choose Stock value,price,bellow/above price', 1 )
You're not calling it.
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