the python name

DL Neil PythonList at
Mon Jan 7 16:10:13 EST 2019

On 7/01/19 3:25 PM, rbowman wrote:
> On 01/04/2019 10:45 AM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
>> FORTRAN is older than most of us. So it influenced what we think a
>> computer language should sound like.
> Sadly, not for all of us...  FORTRAN seeded later languages with terms 
> that are obscure, like rewind().  A blazing powerhouse like the IBM 

Why is that obscure? It makes perfect sense - to those of us who have 
used tape/serial storage! Perhaps less-so to [bobble-heads], sorry I 
mean people who grew-up with 'bubble memory' (Memory sticks, 'flash 
drives', SSDs). In point-of-fact, Python Context Managers

Whilst Python docs and tutorials usually make the opposite point: that 
once a file/context has been read, it is "exhausted" and to continue is 
illogical; don't forget that there is still seek() which does indeed 
enable a "rewind"!

By the same token what thoughts does this sort of code induce?
	print( f'The magic number is {result}. So there!' )

Why "print"? I thought I was displaying something on the screen (indeed 
STDIO might go to a file, eg log-like). Whither print?

Reminds me of the person who upon being told to move his mouse to the 
top of the screen, picking-up the device and raised it from the desk 
surface. Made sense to him!

Similarly, one team I joined used Sublime Text for coding. I was happy 
to adapt until I wanted to 'print' my source-code (even though 
"line-flow" stationery is harder to source these days). There is no 
print function in that package!


> free form input. Prior to that it still assumed you were using Hollerith 
> cards. I don't think it ever moved beyond the DO loop.

...and yet PEP-8 and countless 'style guides' maintain the 80 (actually 
72 and 79 to be hob-goblin-ish) which I'm quite sure has nothing to do 
with machine-sizes or relationships to a (single/one, US) dollar bill!


Regards =dn

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