Fwd: permission denied using python 3.8

Francois van Lieshout FvLieshout at outlook.com
Mon Nov 4 16:56:25 EST 2019

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Van: Francois van Lieshout <FvLieshout at outlook.com>
Verstuurd: maandag 4 november 2019 18:19
Aan: python-list at python.org
Onderwerp: permission denied using python 3.8

Hi, i installed python 3.8 the latest version but it doesn’t work, i get “permission denied” when trying to acces python in the CLI and also i can’t run my code from my python files in the command-line nor in IDLE. I’d like to know why this is so. I’ve tried the 64 bit and the 32 bit executable version of 3.8 but without succes. So i reinstalled version 3.7.2 and now everything works fine again.

Can you tell me why i can’t use python 3.8, i’m using windows as OS.


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