Help with JWT and Apple Connect API
shangitsystems at
shangitsystems at
Fri Nov 8 17:52:50 EST 2019
Hello All
would welcome any advice on the following thank you
I am trying to use Apple's Connect API to download reports (sales etc.
the following code runs with out any error but I cant find an example of how to use the JWT
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import jwt
KEY_ID = "mykey_id"
ISSUER_ID = "issuse_id_string"
PRIVATE_KEY = Auth key file on my pc.p8"
TIMESTAMP = int( ( - timedelta(minutes = 45)).timestamp() * 1000)
claim = {"iss" : ISSUER_ID,
"exp" : TIMESTAMP,
"aud" : "appstoreconnect-v1"}
header = {
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": KEY_ID,
"typ": "JWT"
# Create the JWT
jwttoken = jwt.encode(claim, PRIVATE_KEY, algorithm='ES256', headers=header)
Would anyone know where i can find a simple example on using "jwttoken"??
I have also tried using appstoreconnect as follows however I get a token error
from appstoreconnect import Api
KEY_ID = "mykey_id"
ISSUER_ID = "issuse_id_string"
PRIVATE_KEY = Auth key file on my pc.p8"
print (api)
apps = api.list_apps()
for app in apps:
Error follows
<appstoreconnect.api.Api object at 0x00000275AC86EB00>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\src\Sandbox\python\", line 13, in <module>
for app in apps:
File "C:\Users\DevUser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\appstoreconnect\", line 79, in __next__
File "C:\Users\DevUser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\appstoreconnect\", line 96, in fetch_page
self.payload = self.api._api_call(self.url)
File "C:\Users\DevUser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\appstoreconnect\", line 134, in _api_call
raise APIError(payload.get('errors', [])[0].get('detail', 'Unknown error'))
appstoreconnect.api.APIError: Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests
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