Jupyter Notebook -> PDF with A4 pages?

Martin Schöön martin.schoon at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 15:23:10 EST 2019

Den 2019-11-01 skrev Andrea D'Amore <a at d-amo.re>:
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 22:08, Martin Schöön <martin.schoon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Den 2019-10-16 skrev Piet van Oostrum <piet-l at vanoostrum.org>:
>>> Why should that not work?
>> pip install --user pip broke pip.  I have not been able to repair pip
> I guess that's just the local pip shadowing the system one when you
> let the command "pip" to be resolved by the shell.
> , try calling the absolute path /usr/bin/pip .
Thanks, that seems to work -- "seems" because I have only had time try
out list and search functions. Which explains the slow response on my


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