
Frank Millman frank at
Tue Sep 10 08:50:23 EDT 2019

On 2019-09-10 2:29 PM, tim.gast--- via Python-list wrote:
> Op dinsdag 10 september 2019 13:03:46 UTC+2 schreef tim... at
>> Hi everybody,
>> For school i need to write the right code to get the following outcome.
>> Can someone help me with this....
>> I can't find a solution to link the word high to 1.21.
>> 11 print(add_vat(101, 'high'))
>> 12 print(add_vat(101, 'low'))
>> Outcome:
>> 122.21
>> 110.09
>> Thanks!
> my_dict('high':21,'low':5)
> def add_vat(amount, vat_rate):
>    berekening = amount * (1+vat_rate)
>    return round(berekening,2)
> print(add_vat(101, 'high'))
> outcome:
>    File "<ipython-input-56-df2fcd9ee72a>", line 3
>      def add_vat(amount, vat_rate({'high':21,'low':5})):
>                                  ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

First point - 122.21 is 101 + 21%, so 'high' could be 21, but 110.09 is 
101 + 9%, so I think 'low' should be 9.

Second point, I sympathise, but you do need to understand the basics of 
dictionaries before you can start using them. Check the tutorial, and 
experiment at the ipython prompt. I am using the normal python 
interpreter here, but the principle is the same -

 >>> my_dict = dict()
 >>> my_dict
 >>> my_dict = {}  # this does the same, but is shorter
 >>> my_dict
 >>> my_dict['high'] = 21
 >>> my_dict
{'high': 21}

Try that, and report back with any questions

Frank Millman

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