[OT(?)] Ubuntu 18 vim now defaults to 4-space tabs
Eli the Bearded
* at eli.users.panix.com
Tue Sep 10 14:46:05 EDT 2019
In comp.lang.python, Tobiah <toby at tobiah.org> wrote:
>> Your subject missed a critical word: vim.
> It's there!
I added it.
> > Run vim. Then ':set' to see what's set different than default. Then,
> > if it is tabstop you want to know about, ':verbose set tabstop?' will
> > tell you where that setting was last altered.
> Nothing that seems to point to space indent:
> background=dark hlsearch ruler smartcase ttyfast
> wildmenu
> helplang=C. ignorecase scroll=36 smartindent
> ttymouse=xterm2 nowrap
> hidden modified showcmd nostartofline wildcharm=^Z
Since it does not appear to have "filetype=python" in there, maybe I
should have specified "Run vim with a .py filename".
I tried vim on a new account on a NetBSD machine and saw much different
settings today.
--- Options ---
autoindent langnoremap suffixesadd=.py
comments=b:#,fb:- nolangremap syntax=python
display=truncate nrformats=bin,hex ttimeout
expandtab ruler ttimeoutlen=100
filetype=python scroll=11 ttyfast
helplang=en scrolloff=5 ttymouse=xterm
history=200 shiftwidth=4 wildignore=*.pyc
incsearch showcmd wildmenu
keywordprg=pydoc softtabstop=4
[... long options omitted ...]
:verbose set shiftwidth? softtabstop? expandtab?
Last set from /[...]/vim/vim81/ftplugin/python.vim line 118
Last set from /[...]/vim/vim81/ftplugin/python.vim line 118
Last set from /[...]/vim/vim81/ftplugin/python.vim line 118
Looks like the culprit there.
> I'll check with a vim specific group. Thanks!
I see you posted to the vim-users list. For those following along, they
suggested it's newer vim "no .vimrc file" defaults kicking in. That's
something that I usually manage to avoid by having a vimrc which is
possibly why I was unable to duplicate it on my regular accounts.
really dislikes vim's mouse handling
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