Tahoe-LAFS on Python 3 - Call for Porters

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Tue Sep 24 12:58:47 EDT 2019

Hello Pythonistas,

Earlier this year a number of Tahoe-LAFS
<https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs> community members began an effort
to port Tahoe-LAFS from Python 2 to Python 3.  Around five people are
currently involved in a part-time capacity.  We wish to accelerate the
effort to ensure a Python 3-compatible release of Tahoe-LAFS can be made
before the end of upstream support for CPython 2.x.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open system for private, secure, decentralized
storage.  It encrypts and distributes your data across multiple servers.
If some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire
file store continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and

Foolscap <https://github.com/warner/foolscap>, a dependency of Tahoe-LAFS,
is also being ported.  Foolscap is an object-capability-based RPC protocol
with flexible serialization.

Some details of the porting effort are available in a milestone on the
Tahoe-LAFS trac instance

For this help, we are hoping to find a person/people with significant prior
Python 3 porting experience and, preferably, some familiarity with Twisted,
though in general the Tahoe-LAFS project welcomes contributors of all
backgrounds and skill levels.

We would prefer someone to start with us as soon as possible and no later
than October 15th. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send
us any questions you have, as well as details of your availability and any
related work you have done previously (GitHub, LinkedIn links, etc). If you
would like to find out more about this opportunity, please contact us at
jessielisbetfrance at gmail (dot) com or on IRC in #tahoe-lafs on Freenode.


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