CSV reader ignore brackets

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Tue Sep 24 21:09:28 EDT 2019

On 24Sep2019 19:02, Skip Montanaro <skip.montanaro at gmail.com> wrote:
>How about just replacing *\(([^)]*)\)* with *"\1"* in a wrapper class's
>line reading method?

Will that work if the OP's (TEST1,TEST2) term itself contains quotes?  
Not that his example data did, but example data are usually incomplete 

Also, that would match FOO(TEST1,TEST2)BAH as well (making 
FOO"(TEST1,TEST2)"BAH.  Which might be wanted, or be not wanted or be 
bad data (including but not restricted to csv module unparsable data).  
I was deliberately being very conservative and kind of treating brackets 
like quotes (needest at start and end) but not trying to hit things in 
one go.  Better to match exactly the special case you expect and then 
scour of mismatches than to incorrectly match and have that mistake 
buried in the data.

>(I think I have the re syntax approximately right.)
>The csv reader will "just work". Again, nesting parens not allowed.

Otherwise, a neat idea.

<snark>Besides, the point isn't the shortest code but to illustrate the 
idea of handling special syntax.</snark>

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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