DL Neil
PythonList at
Wed Apr 15 16:15:42 EDT 2020
On 15/04/20 2:05 PM, mike via Python-list wrote:
> I need somehelpwith Python 36-32 and 38-32
> I have been using sublime text 3 asmy ide for about 1 year now and everything was fine -I tried to change to Pycharm 2020 - I was going to use sublime 3 as my IDE for python36-32 and the Pycharm2020 forthe IDE forPython38-32. Unfortunatly snt wrong as nomatter which IDE I use I get the following
Is the issue 'hopeless confusion'?
Perhaps then the solution is to simplify...
Personal comments:
I haven't used PyCharm for some years, having been persuaded to use
SublimeText to harmonise with colleagues (in a non-Python environment).
My impression(!) is that whilst ST has a fairly loose relationship with
Python/whatever language, PyCharm is more closely-coupled. PyCharm was
built/adapted with Python in-mind. SublimeText was built to be less
I don't use Microsoft products.
I resist changing my 'tools'. Once I'm familiar with one (eg an IDE), I
stick with it for a while. I'm a high-speed, touch-typist, and thus a
keyboard-person. Changing back-and-forth is a pain, because of the need
to 'un-learn' or re-learn the muscle memory, eg writing to you from the
Thunderbird email-client, I have to remember to (manually) type my own
closing parentheses, quotation-marks, etc! My recommendation is to
choose one (IDE) and stick-with-it, improving your command of its
facilities and thereby your own productivity, over time.
I'm assuming you are fairly new to Python.
Dealing with the problem:
'Clean' the computer by uninstalling PyCharm, ST, and Python (in that
sequence). You may want to vary that to 'protect' existing work, by only
uninstalling stuff which is 'new'!
If you haven't already, read: and any other relevant
Windows-related info in the Python docs library.
Install your chosen IDE.
Install a (single) chosen version of Python.
Integrate these to suit your first project (utilising this fresh tool-set).
Once this is working, and when you have need, look at complicating your
life with multiple projects, multiple versions of Python, multiple ...
Other thoughts:
Beginners, and particularly if interested in more math/scientific
applications, often enjoy the simplicity of getting-started using a
packaged-environment - variously and confusingly known as
"distributions" or "environments". These offer, not only Python, but a
curated collection of code-libraries, and sometimes an IDE, eg Enthought
Canopy, Anaconda, ActivePython...
Python comes with a built-in system to enable multiple
versions/interpreters on a single machine called "Virtual Environments".
Rather than looking at the issue that way-around, perhaps it is better
to suggest a philosophy of having (multiple) dev-projects, and enabling
each project to utilise whichever version of Python is appropriate. This
pattern is also applicable, should you persist in the wish to use a
different IDE for separate projects. There are other ways to "isolate"
project environments, eg "containers" and virtual machines...
Hopefully, there is (more than) enough information here to enable you to
plan for future-glory... However, in closing, may I emphasise again;
that simplicity is a virtue, and once we have 'the basics' under our
belts, 'complexity' is more 'simple' to add, ie learn to walk first,
then learn to run!
Web-Refs (your search-engine is your friend!):
(plenty of these available - have not evaluated this or any other)
(configuring ST as a Python development environment)
Regards =dn
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