questions re: calendar module
o1bigtenor at
Sun Aug 2 17:38:38 EDT 2020
On Sun, Aug 2, 2020 at 2:08 PM Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfraed at> wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Aug 2020 19:24:41 -0500, o1bigtenor <o1bigtenor at>
> declaimed the following:
> >
> >It is very disappointing - - - -suggests that thinking outside the space of
> >one year is somehow deprecated. Frustrated when what you do demands
> >that you think in longer periods of time (and yet have to function within
> >the week as well).
> Yet follows what most /print/ calendars contain (though some companies
> put the last four months of the current year in a 4-up page, before doing
> one month per page for the new year). "Daily planner" journals also tend to
> cover just one year, from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
> If you are willing to view the calendar in a browser, using
> calendar.HTMLCalendar() may be the fastest way toward what you intend. You
> could start, perhaps, with generating full year calendars (setting the
> width to 12 months), and then package them as rows into an outer table
> (granted, you won't get week numbers this way, but it may be a starting
> point).
> -=-=-=-
I understand that what I'm trying to do isn't 'normal'.
I do understand that most businesses only work with any detail in one year
at a time.
I got it!!!!
That doesn't work for my situation.
I tried to do this planning using 'typical software'. I about went
crazy when I was
trying to work looking back at one year, working in the present year
and needing
to drop details into the next year. (I need to work more than one year forward
as well!)
I found some very old software (cal), from the days of Unix V, with its update
that is itself (ncal) over 10 years old.
This project started when I found that I could get cal to display a
LARGE amount
of months except I was limited to a 80 column display. I was moaning
to a friendof mine one time looking into how I could change the display from an
80 column limit to some at least 160 if not 192 columns. One day he surprised
me by sending me code which got this idea started. When he found out that
week numbers were very useful - - - - they were included. He died about 3
months ago without ever finishing the project.
He liked to write in Perl albeit was comfortable in lots of other languages.
I had talked to him about learning Python.
So this project morphed from being in Perl (5) to being in Python.
This existing code already allows me to display lots of months at a time
with enough months width so that my terminal is 'full'. What's not there is
the possibility of specifying a starting point to this calendar. At present
the calendar only works from today (both backward and forward). There
are also a few small display things I would like to tweak but the bulk of
the idea works very well.
Maybe I should be learning Perl (7) instead so I could just extend his
work but Python seems to have more other things that it 'works' on so
even though this makes for more work I have chosen this direction.
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