Temporary text for multiple entries

dn PythonList at DancesWithMice.info
Fri Aug 21 15:56:47 EDT 2020

On 22/08/2020 00:01, Ashanti Aggarwal wrote:
> I am working to make a form where I have added multiple entries. I wish to add temporary text on all of them, as the text to be deleted when clicked and to inserted again when focused out. I have done with the single entry but not able to find a solution for multiple entries.Kindly suggest me a better way to do.

In programming, the usual way to repeat a given set of steps is to write 
a function. In this case, a series of functions to handle the 'before' 
and 'after' behaviors might suit a "context manager".

If you need further information, please help us to help you:
- operating system and version
- name and version of the GUI-library
- more information about the full-location of this "text"
- exactly what you typed/did
- exactly what happened as a result
- use a descriptive message title that will help other beginners with 
similar problems to benefit from answers-given
Regards =dn

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