Python installer hangs in Windows 7

mikkow34ify miroslaw.kowalinski at
Thu Aug 27 09:00:25 EDT 2020

poniedziaƂek, 16 kwietnia 2018 o 10:51:37 UTC+2 jtsh... at napisaƂ(a):
> On Monday, February 6, 2017 at 10:46:24 AM UTC+5:30, Jean-Claude Roy wrote: 
> > I am trying to install Python 3.6.0 on a Windows 7 computer. 
> > The download of 29.1 MB is successful and I get the nextwindow. I choose the "install now" selection and thatopens the Setup Program window. 
> > Now the trouble starts:I get "Installing:" and the Initialization progress...and nothing else. 
> > There is no additional disk activity, no progress on initialization, andeverything appears dead. Even after 20 minutes there is zero progress. 
> > I've repeated this as both a user and the administrator of this Windowscomputer. I get the same results in either case. 
> > If I go to the task manager it shows that Python 3.6.0 (32-bit) setup is running. If I try to end the task Iget the message that the program is not responding. 
> > Do you have any suggestions as to how I can get past this? 
> > Thank you.
> Uncheck the install for all users part and it will work and log into each user individually and then install.
Unchecking  works also for 3.8.5 version. Thanks

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