How do you find what exceptions a class can throw?

Chris Green cl at
Sun Dec 20 11:02:53 EST 2020

Stefan Ram <ram at> wrote:
> Chris Green <cl at> writes:
> >I am using poplib.POP3_SSL() and I want to know what exceptions can be
> >thrown when I instantiate it.  Presumably it inherits them because
> >there's nothing much in the documentation page for poplib.POP3_SSL().
>   Both Java and C++ have tried to introduce a static
>   declaration of exceptions IIRC, but IIRC this was less
>   popular as it led to problems.
>   Ultimately, it is not possible to tell what exceptions 
>   a call might throw. In such a case, it may help to explain
>   to the newsgroup why this information is needed.
So that, as is always advised, I can catch the specific exception
being thrown!

Chris Green

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