I'm finally disentangled from Python 2, thank you everyone

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Tue Dec 29 18:11:19 EST 2020

On 29Dec2020 21:20, Chris Green <cl at isbd.net> wrote:
>Well, it has taken me a while, but I now seem to have finally detached
>myself from any Python 2 dependencies on my various systems.
>On my desktop machine it was a bit more difficult because of the Oki
>scanner utility which I have asked about quite a lot here.  It has a
>.so file built for Python 2 which I couldn't convert.  In the end
>(following ideas from here) I have packaged it using cx-freeze so that
>the utility and all the libraries etc. that it needs are run 'as a
>package' with all the old Python 2 dependencies inside the package.  

Could I ask you to write up a post on what you did here? I've never used 
cx-freeze but it sounds like a useful thing for keeping legacy stuff 
functioning. A writeup from someone who's actually used it for that 
would be welcome.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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