R Pasco
pascor22234 at
Fri Jul 31 00:48:39 EDT 2020
My code was just experimental and will be much refined in the future which
will include specific exception catches. Connecting to the local registry
is to 'go the last yard' for a full-blown implementation.
I had a hard time grasping the Windows registry concept of having to first
get a key handle for the parent keypath and then specifying an already
existing fina/'leaf' key as a string in order to simply read the key's
valuename/value data. Who can tell what they were thinking at the time! It
seems like a good idea to "abstract" this out since it seems overly
complicated and needlessly confusing.
Thanks for your extensive info. Its too bad this isn't published in the
python winreg/_winreg modules' info.
Ray Pasco
On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 12:43 AM R Pasco <pascor22234 at> wrote:
> My code was simply experimental and will be much refined in the future
> which will include specific exception catches. Connecting to the local
> registry is to go the 'last yard' for a full implementation.
> I had a hard time grasping the Windows registry concept of having to first
> get a key handle for the parent keypath and then specifying an already
> existing final or 'leaf' key as a string in order to simply read the key's
> valuename/value data. Who can tell what they were thinking at the time! It
> seems like a good idea to "abstract" this out since it seems overly
> complicated and needlessly confusing.
> Thanks for your extensive info. Its too bad this isn't published in the
> python winreg/_winreg modules' info.
> Ray Pasco
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 11:53 PM Eryk Sun <eryksun at> wrote:
>> On 7/30/20, R Pasco <pascor22234 at> wrote:
>> > access rights must be set to [winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS |
>> winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY
>> It's a bad practice to request more access than you require, at the
>> very least because the request may fail with access denied for no good
>> reason.
>> KEY_ALL_ACCESS includes all applicable standard rights (WRITE_OWNER,
>> KEY_CREATE_LINK). For an existing key, do you need to change the
>> owner, read and modify the security, delete the key, set a symlink,
>> etc? It looks like you just need to set a value, i.e. KEY_SET_VALUE.
>> > winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY] (??? Why does this also work ?)
>> By default a 64-bit process doesn't see redirected keys, but if you
>> need to access them, use KEY_WOW64_32KEY in the desired access.
>> Normally a 32-bit process under WOW64 sees redirected keys, and if you
>> need to access the non-redirected keys, use KEY_WOW64_64KEY.
>> Note that KEY_WOW64_64KEY and KEY_WOW64_32KEY access modes only affect
>> runtime redirection. As with the standard MAXIMUM_ALLOWED access mode,
>> they're not assignable rights that can be granted or denied in a key
>> object's access control list.
>> > with winreg.ConnectRegistry( None, hive ) as hivehndl
>> There is no need to call ConnectRegistry here. By default, predefined
>> handles are resolved to local key handles. Also, if you actually need
>> to access a remote machine, note that it's nonsensical to try to
>> connect to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The API allows it, but why would one
>> assume that the remote machine will have a profile for the current
>> user's SID? The remote system will most likely just connect to a
>> handle for the default user profile.
>> > to be 'OR'ed. Winreg gives no indication of this requirement, but the
>> > Windows doc "Redirected, Shared, and Reflected Keys Under WOW64" does
>> > specifically mention HKEY_CURRENT_USER :SOFTWARE as needing this added
>> > access.
>> At the machine level, the software hive is stored on disk at
>> "%SystemRoot%\System32\config\SOFTWARE" and mounted at
>> "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE". For a WOW64 process, by default there is
>> extensive runtime redirection of keys in this hive to the subkeys
>> "WOW6432Node" and "Classes\WOW6432Node".
>> At the user level, there are two hives mounted. The user profile is
>> stored on disk at "%USERPROFILE%\NTUSER.DAT" and mounted at
>> "\REGISTRY\USER\<SID>", where "<SID>" is the string form of the user's
>> security identifier (e.g. "S-1-5-21-<RID1>-<RID2>-<RID3>-<RID4>"). For
>> a WOW64 process, there is no redirection of subkeys that are
>> physically stored in this hive.
>> The user's software classes hive is stored on disk at
>> "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" and mounted at
>> "\REGISTRY\USER\<SID>_Classes". In the user profile, the
>> "Software\Classes" key is a symbolic link to the latter. For a WOW64
>> process, some subkeys in the classes hive are redirected to subkeys in
>> "WOW6432Node" (i.e. "Software\Classes\WOW6432Node"). It's just a
>> limited subset, including "CLSID", "DirectShow", "Interface", "Media
>> Type", and "MediaFoundation".
>> ---
>> One never sees "\REGISTRY\MACHINE" and "\REGISTRY\USER" in the
>> registry API because it's designed to always use the "RootDirectory"
>> handle in the native NT object attributes [1]. For local access, the
>> API maps real handles for "\REGISTRY\MACHINE" and "\REGISTRY\USER" to
>> the predefined pseudo-handles HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS.
>> Similarly, HKEY_CURRENT_USER is mapped to a handle for
>> "\REGISTRY\USER\<SID>", where "<SID>" is the string form of the user's
>> security identifier. For remote access via RegConnectRegistryW (i.e.
>> winreg.ConnectRegistry), the predefined handles are mapped to
>> remote-procedure-call (RPC) handles that proxy real key handles on the
>> remote system.
>> [1]
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