July 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 08:44:35 EDT 2020
Ending: Fri Jul 31 22:24:06 EDT 2020
Messages: 368
- PEP 622
Chris Angelico
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Chris Angelico
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Chris Angelico
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Chris Angelico
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Chris Angelico
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Chris Angelico
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Chris Angelico
- Access last element after iteration
Chris Angelico
- python software foundation
Chris Angelico
- Iterating over dict is slower than iterating over iter(dict)?
Chris Angelico
- Iterating over dict is slower than iterating over iter(dict)?
Chris Angelico
- True is True / False is False?
Chris Angelico
- True is True / False is False?
Chris Angelico
- [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Chris Angelico
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Chris Angelico
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Chris Angelico
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Chris Angelico
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Chris Angelico
- Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam (was: EuroPython 2020: Data Science Track)
Chris Angelico
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Chris Angelico
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Chris Angelico
- Is sys.executable not supposed to follow symlinks?
Chris Angelico
- Symlinks already present
Chris Angelico
- The speed of glob()
Chris Angelico
- The speed of glob()
Chris Angelico
- The speed of glob()
Chris Angelico
- "1,+2,", but not "(1,)+2,"
Chris Angelico
- execution timing of the method QWidget.show()
- Symlinks already present
- Winreg
- why is requests 2.24 behaving differently on different Win10Pro PCs?
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Robin Becker
- A Python installation help doc much more friendly to newcomers? [Was Re: help]
Oscar Benjamin
- True is True / False is False?
Oscar Benjamin
- python installation help
- PEP 622
Stephen Carboni
- help
Castillo, Herbert S
- help
Castillo, Herbert S
- New to python - Just a question
Tim Chase
- True is True / False is False?
Tim Chase
- True is True / False is False?
Tim Chase
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
Christman, Roger Graydon
- FW: Pycharm Won't Do Long Underscore
Danilo Coccia
- Python pandas Excel
J Conrado
- Urgent
- Confused about np.polyfit()
Richard Damon
- How to match scipy.spatial.distance results back to pandas df
Vincent Davis
- Fake news Detect
Vincent Davis
- SCons 4.0.1 Released
Bill Deegan
- Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Ned Deily
- Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Ned Deily
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
Mike Dewhirst
- App for Moto e6 using Python?
Mike Dewhirst
- Fake news Detect
Mike Dewhirst
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
Mike Dewhirst
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
Mike Dewhirst
- python installation help
Deepak Didmania
- python software foundation
Souvik Dutta
- Upgrade from Python 3.6 to 3.8 and cx-freeze is not available more
Souvik Dutta
- A rule for your twitlist/mailing list
Grant Edwards
- A rule for your twitlist/mailing list
Grant Edwards
- An I connected here?
Grant Edwards
- Fake news Detect
Grant Edwards
- Symlinks already present
Grant Edwards
- Python Program Help
Elias Fotinis
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Adam Funk
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Adam Funk
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Adam Funk
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Adam Funk
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Adam Funk
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Adam Funk
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Ethan Furman
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Ethan Furman
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Ethan Furman
- Making and seeing mistakes [was: Formal Question to Steering Council]
Ethan Furman
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Ethan Furman
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Ethan Furman
- python installation help
Bob Gailer
- Fake news Detect
- Upgrade from Python 3.6 to 3.8 and cx-freeze is not available more
Christian SCHEIBER / KLS GmbH
- Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Christian Gollwitzer
- How to diagnose import error when importing from .so file?
Christian Gollwitzer
- Function type in typing
Jonathan Gossage
- Typing modules
Jonathan Gossage
- Need to 'import gtk' on Ubuntu 20.04, what do I need?
Chris Green
- Need to 'import gtk' on Ubuntu 20.04, what do I need?
Chris Green
- Need to 'import gtk' on Ubuntu 20.04, what do I need?
Chris Green
- Non IDE development strategy - what do others do that's fairly simple?
Chris Green
- Confused by python gtk, gobject, gi, etc. (Ubuntu repositories)
Chris Green
- How to diagnose import error when importing from .so file?
Chris Green
- How to diagnose import error when importing from .so file?
Chris Green
- What's the enum for a button press event in pygobject 3?
Chris Green
- How to find code that causes a 'deprecated' warning?
Chris Green
- What's the enum for a button press event in pygobject 3?
Chris Green
- How to find code that causes a 'deprecated' warning?
Chris Green
- Gtk.TextBuffer problem on converting from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3
Chris Green
- Gtk.TextBuffer problem on converting from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3
Chris Green
- pip 20.2 release, plus changes coming in 20.3
Sumana Harihareswara
- Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam (was: EuroPython 2020: Data Science Track)
Christian Heimes
- Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam (was: EuroPython 2020: Data Science Track)
Christian Heimes
- The speed of glob()
Christian Heimes
- How to diagnose import error when importing from .so file?
Christian Heimes
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Gene Heskett
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
Peter J. Holzer
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
Peter J. Holzer
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
Peter J. Holzer
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
Peter J. Holzer
- Web Developer | Job position at CMCC Foundation, Italy
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Rhodri James
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Rhodri James
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Rhodri James
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Rhodri James
- New to python - Just a question
Rhodri James
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Rhodri James
- An I connected here?
Rhodri James
- An I connected here?
Rhodri James
- FlaskCon: Today Friday 3rd July, Tomorrow and Sunday!
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
- Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Klaus Jantzen
- Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Klaus Jantzen
- [SOLVED] Re: Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Klaus Jantzen
- A rule for your twitlist/mailing list
- Support both asyncio and synchronous callers
Damian Johnson
- Facing problem while opening phython
Igor Korot
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
Igor Korot
- [RELEASE] Python 3.9.0b4 is now ready for testing
Łukasz Langa
- [RELEASE] Python 3.8.4 is now available
Łukasz Langa
- [RELEASE] Python 3.8.5 released as a security hotfix. 3.9.0b5, the last beta before 3.9.0, also available
Łukasz Langa
- Fake news Detect
Orges Leka
- EuroPython 2020: Our Keynotes
M.-A. Lemburg
- EuroPython 2020: Find a new job at the conference
M.-A. Lemburg
- EuroPython 2020: Introducing our Diamond Sponsor Bloomberg
M.-A. Lemburg
- EuroPython 2020: Presenting our Conference Booklet
M.-A. Lemburg
- EuroPython 2020: Data Science Track
M.-A. Lemburg
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Jeff Linahan
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Jeff Linahan
- New to python - Just a question
David Lowry-Duda
- How to diagnose import error when importing from .so file?
David Lowry-Duda
- Typing modules
Stephan Lukits
- unittest test discovery: regular packages vs. namespace packages
Ralf M.
- execution timing of the method QWidget.show()
- Unable to login | fbchat.Client
- Urgent
- Request help w/pip install jq
- Request help w/pip install jq
- Python Program Help
- Local access to a file, How To ?
- What's the enum for a button press event in pygobject 3?
- Gtk.TextBuffer problem on converting from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3
- "1,+2,", but not "(1,)+2,"
- How to limit *length* of PrettyPrinter
Stavros Macrakis
- How to limit *length* of PrettyPrinter
Stavros Macrakis
- How to cast to a type WAS: How to limit *length* of PrettyPrinter
Stavros Macrakis
- How to handle async and inheritance?
Dieter Maurer
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Dieter Maurer
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Dieter Maurer
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
Andrew McLean
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
Andrew McLean
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Frank Millman
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Frank Millman
- Access last element after iteration
Frank Millman
- frozendict: an experiment
Inada Naoki
- frozendict: an experiment
Inada Naoki
- frozendict: an experiment
Inada Naoki
- frozendict: an experiment
Inada Naoki
- frozendict: an experiment
Inada Naoki
- frozendict: an experiment
Inada Naoki
- Assign Excel cell value from Datepicker widget Selection using Python
DL Neil
- Assign Excel cell value from Datepicker widget Selection using Python
DL Neil
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
DL Neil
- Need a Dynamic vlookup using python
DL Neil
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
DL Neil
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
DL Neil
- Local access to a file, How To ?
DL Neil
- Winreg
David L Neil
- A rule for your twitlist/mailing list
Nomen Nescio
- New to python - Just a question
Daley Okuwa
- Issues in downloading python
Daley Okuwa
- trying to improve my knn algorithm
Peter Otten
- trying to improve my knn algorithm
Peter Otten
- Python pandas Excel
Peter Otten
- How to find code that causes a 'deprecated' warning?
Peter Otten
- Winreg
R Pasco
- Winreg
R Pasco
- Winreg
R Pasco
- Facing problem while opening phython
Chaitanya Patil
- Issues Download the Latest Version of Python Programming Language
Ejiofor Chidinma Peace
- Need to 'import gtk' on Ubuntu 20.04, what do I need?
Akkana Peck
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Joe Pfeiffer
- Bulletproof json.dump?
J. Pic
- Bulletproof json.dump?
J. Pic
- Bulletproof json.dump?
J. Pic
- An I connected here?
J. Pic
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
J. Pic
- Issue with Python installation for a beginner Python coder.
Sarvesh Poddar
- trying to improve my knn algorithm
Raine Pretorius
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
- "1,+2,", but not "(1,)+2,"
- Issues in downloading python
Abhiram R
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
- Python Scripts
David Raymond
- Python Scripts
David Raymond
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Terry Reedy
- Python Program Help
Terry Reedy
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Terry Reedy
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Terry Reedy
- Fake news Detect
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Jon Ribbens
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Jon Ribbens
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Jon Ribbens
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Jon Ribbens
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Jon Ribbens
- Access last element after iteration
Jon Ribbens
- "1,+2,", but not "(1,)+2,"
Jon Ribbens
- "1,+2,", but not "(1,)+2,"
Jon Ribbens
- Bulletproof json.dump?
Stephen Rosen
- "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" When I try to Install the library in conda prompt
Mathiyazhagan S
- Installing Python 3.8.3 with tkinter
Anssi Saari
- Very Simple (Rather Dumb) Question
Romulus Schilling
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
Barry Scott
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
Barry Scott
- frozendict: an experiment
Barry Scott
- Support both asyncio and synchronous callers
Barry Scott
- Winreg
Barry Scott
- Winreg
Barry Scott
- Downloading Python
Tanmay Shah
- Unable to login | fbchat.Client
Shivam Dutt Sharma
- A rule for your twitlist/mailing list
Cameron Simpson
- Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam (was: EuroPython 2020: Data Science Track)
Cameron Simpson
- Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam (was: EuroPython 2020: Data Science Track)
Cameron Simpson
- replying to the mailing list (was: Winreg)
Cameron Simpson
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Peter Slížik
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Peter Slížik
- True is True / False is False?
Peter Slížik
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
Peter Slížik
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
Kyle Stanley
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
Kyle Stanley
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
Kyle Stanley
- help
boB Stepp
- A Python installation help doc much more friendly to newcomers? [Was Re: help]
boB Stepp
- Issue with Python installation for a beginner Python coder.
boB Stepp
- App for Moto e6 using Python?
- Fake news Detect
- An I connected here?
- An I connected here?
- Seeking to convert a py timer app for my Moto E6
- Seeking to convert a py timer app for my Moto E6
- Local access to a file, How To ?
- Local access to a file, How To ?
- Equivalent of "make install" for Python on windows?
Patrick Stinson
- Equivalent of "make install" for Python on windows?
Patrick Stinson
- Issues in downloading python
Shanmika Sugavaneswaran
- Installing Basemap in Jupyter Notebook
Michio Suginoo
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- Iterating over dict is slower than iterating over iter(dict)?
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- Iterating over dict is slower than iterating over iter(dict)?
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- frozendict: an experiment
Marco Sulla
- How to pass options to "make test"?
Marco Sulla
- Non IDE development strategy - what do others do that's fairly simple?
Marco Sulla
- Is sys.executable not supposed to follow symlinks?
Eryk Sun
- Windows and Subclassing - 'OverflowError': int too long to convert
Eryk Sun
- Winreg
Eryk Sun
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Bev In TX
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Bev In TX
- Symlinks already present
- Symlinks already present
- Symlinks already present
- Symlinks already present
- python software foundation
Jithesh Thirumaran
- python software foundation
Jithesh Thirumaran
- Is sys.executable not supposed to follow symlinks?
Bolun Thompson
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Michael Torrie
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Michael Torrie
- FW: Pycharm Won't Do Long Underscore
Michael Torrie
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Michael Torrie
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Michael Torrie
- Need to 'import gtk' on Ubuntu 20.04, what do I need?
Michael Torrie
- The speed of glob()
Gisle Vanem
- The speed of glob()
Gisle Vanem
- The speed of glob()
Gisle Vanem
- Request help w/pip install jq
Ed Walser
- Python Scripts
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
Mats Wichmann
- Issues in downloading python
Mats Wichmann
- A Python installation help doc much more friendly to newcomers? [Was Re: help]
Mats Wichmann
- Request help w/pip install jq
Mats Wichmann
- Request help w/pip install jq
Mats Wichmann
- Issues Download the Latest Version of Python Programming Language
Mats Wichmann
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
Mats Wichmann
- ANN: Wing Python IDE 7.2.3 has been released
- Jython but portable?
vjp2.at at at.BioStrategist.dot.dot.com
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
- Access last element after iteration
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
- python software foundation
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
- Python pandas Excel
- Python pandas Excel
- help
- Issues in downloading python
- excel (multiple sheets) to yml file for each sheet
- A Python installation help doc much more friendly to newcomers? [Was Re: help]
- A Python installation help doc much more friendly to newcomers? [Was Re: help]
- Python Program Help
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
- How to limit *length* of PrettyPrinter
- "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" When I try to Install the library in conda prompt
- [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
- Fwd: [BUG] missing ')' causes syntax error on next line
- Friday Finking: Limiting parameters
- Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam
- How to limit *length* of PrettyPrinter
- Iterators, iterables and special objects
- How to limit *length* of PrettyPrinter
- Symlinks already present
- Dowloading package dependencies from locked down machine
- Winreg
- excel (multiple sheets) to yml file for each sheet
stack flow
- excel (multiple sheets) to yml file for each sheet
stack flow
- execution timing of the method QWidget.show()
artis.paintre at gmail.com
- trying to improve my knn algorithm
hunter.hammond.dev at gmail.com
- trying to improve my knn algorithm
kyrohammy at gmail.com
- Preliminary Design for Teaching Latin and Artificial Intelligence
mentificium at gmail.com
- Assign Excel cell value from Datepicker widget Selection using Python
narenchunduri at gmail.com
- Need a Dynamic vlookup using python
narenchunduri at gmail.com
- Need a Dynamic vlookup using python
narenchunduri at gmail.com
- Need a Dynamic vlookup using python
narenchunduri at gmail.com
- [PSF-Community] Unable to login | fbchat.Client
rami.chowdhury at gmail.com
- Need to 'import gtk' on Ubuntu 20.04, what do I need?
Liste guru
- why is requests 2.24 behaving differently on different Win10Pro PCs?
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
- Formal Question to Steering Council (re recent PEP8 changes)
- Questioning the effects of multiple assignment
- questions re: calendar module
- Windows and Subclassing - 'OverflowError': int too long to convert
Eko palypse
- Windows and Subclassing - 'OverflowError': int too long to convert
Eko palypse
- Unable to login | fbchat.Client
2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE at potatochowder.com
- Symlinks already present
2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE at potatochowder.com
- Non IDE development strategy - what do others do that's fairly simple?
2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE at potatochowder.com
- Confused about np.polyfit()
duncan smith
- Confused about np.polyfit()
duncan smith
- about the function in class
- Python Program Help
ksikor14 at yahoo.com
- a bit feedback for JSON documents
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 22:24:06 EDT 2020
Archived on: Fri Jul 31 22:24:20 EDT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).