super not behaving as I expected

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Sun Mar 29 10:49:03 EDT 2020

Antoon Pardon wrote:

> I have the following program
> class slt:
> __slots__ = ()
> def getslots(self):
> print("### slots =", self.__slots__)
> if self.__slots__ == ():
> return []
> else:
> ls = super().getslots()
> ls.extend(self.__slots__)
> return ls
> def __str__(self):
> ls = []
> attrs = self.getslots()
> for attr in attrs:
> ls.append(str(getattr( self, attr)))
> return '->'.join(ls)
> class slt1 (slt):
> __slots__ = 'fld1', 'fld2'
> def __init__(self, vl1, vl2):
> self.fld1 = vl1
> self.fld2 = vl2
> class slt2(slt1):
> __slots__ = 'fld3',
> def __init__(self, vl1, vl2, vl3):
> self.fld1 = vl1
> self.fld2 = vl2
> self.fld3 = vl3
> rc1 = slt1(4, 7)
> rc2 = slt2(11, 18, 29)
> print(rc1)
> print(rc2)
> When I call this I would expect to see the following:
> ### slots = ('fld1', 'fld2')
> ### slots = ()
> 4->7
> ### slots = (fld3,)
> ### slots = ('fld1', 'fld2')
> ### slots = ()
> 11->18->29
> What I actually get is:
> ### slots = ('fld1', 'fld2')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "slottest", line 39, in <module>
>     print(rc1)
>   File "slottest", line 15, in __str__
>     attrs = self.getslots()
>   File "slottest", line 9, in getslots
>     ls = super().getslots()
> AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'getslots'



looks up method in the parent class of the class where it's used -- in your 
case the parent class of slt, or object.


looks up the attribute in the instance, and if that fails works its way up 
the inheritance tree follong the mro; here it succeeds in slt1. This leeds 
to execution of the else branch in getslots() which in turn tries to invoke 
object.getslots() -- and fails.

That would be the normal behaviour. The __slots__ attribute is special, so 
there may be subtle differences.

Anyway, here's my attempt to collect inherited slots:

    def get_slots(cls):
        all_slots = set()
        for C in cls.__mro__:
                slots = C.__slots__
            except AttributeError:
                assert C is object
        return all_slots

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