Multithread and locking issue
python at
Thu May 14 19:32:17 EDT 2020
On 2020-05-14 23:36, Stephane Tougard wrote:
> Hello,
> A multithreaded software written in Python is connected with a Postgres
> database. To avoid concurrent access issue with the database, it starts
> a thread who receive all SQL request via queue.put and queue.get (it
> makes only insert, so no issue with the return of the SQL request).
> As long as it runs with 10 threads, no issues. At 100 threads, the
> software is blocked by what I think is a locking issue.
> I guess Python multithreading and queue are working good enough that it
> can handle 100 threads with no issue (give me wrong here), so I guess
> the problem is in my code.
> The function (thread) who handles SQL requests.
> def execute_sql(q):
> print("Start SQL Thread")
> while True:
> try:
> data = q.get(True,5)
> except:
> print("No data")
> continue
> print(data)
> print("END")
> if data == "EXIT":
> return
> try:
> request = data['request']
> arg = data['arg']
> ref.execute(request,arg)
> except:
> print("Can not execute SQL request")
> print(data)
> The code to send the SQL request.
> sql = dict()
> sql['request'] = "update b2_user set credit = credit -%s where id = %s"
> sql['arg'] = (i,username,)
> try:
> q.put(sql,True,5)
> except:
> print("Can not insert data")
> The launch of the SQL thread (nothing fancy here).
> q = qu.Queue()
> t = th.Thread(target = execute_sql, args = (q,))
> t.start()
> Any idea ?
Are there 100 threads running execute_sql? Do you put 100 "EXIT"
messages into the queue, one for each thread?
The "bare excepts" are a bad idea because they catch _all_ exceptions,
even the ones that might occur due to bugs, such as NameError
(misspelled variable or function).
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