Decorators with arguments?
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Fri May 15 09:51:16 EDT 2020
Christopher de Vidal wrote:
> Help please? Creating an MQTT-to-Firestore bridge and I know a decorator
> would help but I'm stumped how to create one. I've used decorators before
> but not with arguments.
> The Firestore collection.on_snapshot() method invokes a callback and sends
> it three parameters (collection_snapshot, changes, and read_time). I need
> the callback to also know the name of the collection so that I can publish
> to the equivalent MQTT topic name. I had thought to add a fourth parameter
> and I believe a decorator is the right approach but am stumped how to add
> that fourth parameter. How would I do this with the code below?
> #!/usr/bin/env python3
> from import firestore
> import firebase_admin
> from firebase_admin import credentials
> import json
> import mqtt
> db = firestore.Client()
> mqtt.connect()
> def load_json(contents):
> try:
> return json.loads(contents)
> except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, TypeError):
> return contents
> def on_snapshot(col_name, col_snapshot, changes, read_time):
> data = dict()
> for doc in col_snapshot:
> serial =
> contents = load_json(doc.to_dict()['value'])
> data[serial] = contents
> for change in changes:
> serial =
> mqtt_topic = col_name + '/' + serial
> contents = data[serial]
> if in ['ADDED', 'MODIFIED']:
> mqtt.publish(mqtt_topic, contents)
> elif == 'REMOVED':
> mqtt.publish(mqtt_topic, None)
> # Start repeated code section
> # TODO Better to use decorators but I was stumped on how to pass arguments
> def door_status_on_snapshot(col_snapshot, changes, read_time):
> on_snapshot('door_status', col_snapshot, changes, read_time)
> door_status_col_ref = db.collection('door_status')
> door_status_col_watch =
> door_status_col_ref.on_snapshot(door_status_on_snapshot)
> # Repetition...
> def cpu_temp_on_snapshot(col_snapshot, changes, read_time):
> on_snapshot('cpu_temp', col_snapshot, changes, read_time)
> cpu_temp_col_ref = db.collection('cpu_temp')
> cpu_temp_col_watch = cpu_temp_col_ref.on_snapshot(cpu_temp_on_snapshot)
> # End repeated code section
> # Start repeated code section
> door_status_col_watch.unsubscribe()
> cpu_temp_col_watch.unsubscribe()
> # Repetition...
> # End repeated code section
> Christopher de Vidal
You might also consider a contextmanager:
# untested
def subscribe(name, col_snapshot, changes, read_time):
def status_on_snapshot(col_snapshot, changes, read_time):
on_snapshot(name, col_snapshot, changes, read_time)
status_col_ref = db.collection(name)
status_col_watch = status_col_ref.on_snapshot(door_status_on_snapshot)
yield status_col_ref
with subscribe("door_status", ...) as door_status_col_ref:
with subscribe("cpu_temp", ...) as cpu_temp_col_ref:
If there are many uniform ones the nested with statements can be
NAMES = "door_status", "cpu_temp", ...
with ExitStack() as stack:
col_refs = [
stack.enter_context(subscribe(name)) for name in NAMES
And if you like Camoron's suggestion or the subscribe() generator above just
gets too unwieldy: a custom class can act as a contextmanager, too.
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