Strings: double versus single quotes
Cameron Simpson
cs at
Tue May 19 20:54:14 EDT 2020
On 19May2020 22:04, Manfred Lotz <ml_news at> wrote:
>On Tue, 19 May 2020 13:36:54 -0500
>Tim Chase <python.list at> wrote:
>> On 2020-05-19 20:10, Manfred Lotz wrote:
>> > I am asking myself if I should preferably use single or double
>> > quotes for strings?
>> I'd say your consistency matters more than which one you choose.
>> I personally use habits from my C days: double-quotes for everything
>> except single characters for which I use a single-quote:
>> if 'e' in "hello":
>> as in indicator that I'm using it as a single character rather than
>> as a string.
>> I don't have a firm rule for myself if a string contains
>> double-quotes. It doesn't happen often for me in a case where I
>> couldn't use a triple-quoted string or that I am refering to it as a
>> single character. [...]
>I am influenced by Perl which I used before. In Perl I used double
>quoted strings when I wanted interpolation. Otherwise single quoted
>strings. In Rust (or C) it is double quotes for strings and single
>quotes for characters.
And I, the shell (where single quotes are "raw" and double quotes allow
parameter substitution). So I use single quotes for plain old strings
and double quotes when I'm going to be formatting the string with %
(therefore, in most logging calls).
Personally I find double quotes visually noisy, and prefer single
quotes. Most of the time.
This is one of the reasons I autoformat with yapf (which doesn't change
my quoting) rather than black (which is very opinionated and also
untunable, and _does_ change my quotes).
Cameron Simpson <cs at>
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