Converting images to PDF. Final file has blank pages before and after.
Kushal Kumaran
kushal at
Mon Nov 30 21:24:59 EST 2020
On Mon, Nov 30 2020 at 05:20:30 PM, Michael Baca <jesterdev at> wrote:
> Hello, new to the group, rather new to programming.
> I'm writing a program that takes images and converts them into PDF's. It works after quite a few days of trying, however the final file has a blank page inserted before and after each page containing the images.
> This uses FPDF to do the conversion. I've been up and down trying to figure out where I'm adding an extra page, so it might be an FPDF issue.
> def multi_convert(pdf_Filename, file_path):
> if (dir):
> file_list = []
> print(""), print("")
> print("Converting... This may take awhile depending on the number of images.")
> for entry in os.scandir(file_path):
> if (entry.path.endswith(".jpg") or entry.path.endswith(".png")) and entry.is_file():
> file_list.append(entry.path)
> else:
> print("Error: ")
> print("Invalid Directory - {}", dir)
> cover =[0]))
> width, height = cover.size
> pdf = FPDF(unit="pt", format=[width, height])
> for page in file_list:
> pdf.add_page()
I've never used FPDF, but have you considered not doing the add_page
explicitly here? The documentation at might
be useful; see especially the behaviour specified when the "y" parameter
is not specified, as in this case.
> pdf.image(str(page))
> pdf.output(file_path + pdf_Filename + ".pdf", "F")
> exit()
If you're unable to resolve the issue, you should report it to pyfpdf at (after checking if this is a
known problem).
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