Basic Python help

Frank Millman frank at
Fri Oct 23 07:22:10 EDT 2020

On 2020-10-23 12:41 PM, mikael petterson wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to use the following code but in java.
>   END_DELIM = '\n##\n'
>   def start_delim(data_len): return '\n#%s\n' % (data_len)
>    data = "%s%s%s" % (start_delim(len(data)), data, END_DELIM)
> Can anyone help me to understand what it means:
> I am guessing now:
> a function defined "start_delim" takes the length of a data string.
> function does modulo on something. This something I am not sure of
> :-)
> Does '\n#%s\n' will this be evaluated to a number  when %s i replaced with data_len?
> Then the result is used as one parameter in "%s%s%s"
> start_delim then for the other
> data

I think it is simpler than that.

 >>> '\n#%s\n' % 2

All it is doing is replacing '%s' with the length of the string.

So the result is the concatenation of -

1. '\n' + '#' + length of string + '\n'  as the start delimiter

2. the string itself

3. '\n' + '#' + '#' + '\n'  as the end delimiter

Frank Millman

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