Error 2503

Cameron Simpson cs at
Mon Apr 12 19:40:46 EDT 2021

On 13Apr2021 01:15, Crt Gorican <crt.gorican at> wrote:
>Dear Python team,
>I am writing to you because I am desperate. I've tried everything I
>could find on the internet before writing to you.
>I've started developing a python script in my IDE and the python was
>simply not working for me.
>I've tried it in cmd and there was this message "The system cannot
>execute the specified program.".
>I've added the python path and the problem was still not resolved so
>I've decided to uninstall it and then the error 2503 occurred.
>I am also sending you the pictures when I tried removing and modifying
>with installer and a log file.
>I am looking forward to your response.

Unfortunately this is not enough information.

What Operating System are you using?

What IDE are you using?

Did you install Python? Or was it already present on your system?

This mailing list removes attachments, so we have not received your 
pictures. You could post them to a snapshotting web service and provide 
the URLs, but it would be better where possibly to paste the text from 
your commands and the output here in your message.

You wrote:
>I've tried it in cmd and there was this message "The system cannot
>execute the specified program.".
>I've added the python path and the problem was still not resolved so

What command did you type, and at what prompt did you type it? Sometimes 
people type shell commands at the Python prompt and vice versa.

>I've decided to uninstall it and then the error 2503 occurred.

CWhat process did you do for the uninstall?

If you're on Windows, I at least am not a Windows person. But others on 
this list are.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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