FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

Michael F. Stemper mstemper at
Wed Apr 14 15:37:45 EDT 2021

On 14/04/2021 12.55, Dan Stromberg wrote:
> Open a cmd.exe, command.exe or powershell, and:
> cd c:\my\dir\ect\ory
> Then run your script.
> Or put an os.chdir(r'c:\my\dir\ect\ory') at the top of your script.
> Or use file = open(r'c:\my\dir\ect\ory\Egils Saga 1-15.txt', 'r')
> BTW, "file" means something to python other than just a variable name.  You
> can replace it, as your code below (and my example above) does, but it
> obscures the thing you're replacing.  That's why I like to use file_
> instead of file.

Personally, I'd use a meaningful name. For instance, I might do

saga = open(r'c:\my\dir\ect\ory\Egils Saga 1-15.txt', 'r')

or even

with open(r'c:\my\dir\ect\ory\Egils Saga 1-15.txt', 'r') as saga:

The latter form eliminates the need for saga.close(). (I'm sure that you
know that; it's directed at the OP.)

Michael F. Stemper
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